Oh yeah
You can show this around to your friends and feel important. I certainly do.
Today I went to a sort of variety music show for my junior high. They did a good job, but there was a musical skit they did which I couldn't follow to save my life. Inititally I thought it was about time travel and it's effect on the human condition, but then there was a gangster and a bear and a bunch of girls with sparkly headbands. It was fun to say the least-the kids are really talented. Next time they wanna put me in it. I am so down with that.
Trying to explain how much fun I had this weekend would be like trying to fit my rear into Japanese girl's pants.... difficult. But I'll try to hit the high points. I was in Nagoya visiting my new friend Will, who I know through Kyle. Let me sum up Will by saying that he's the genkiest man on this here island, and hanging out with him is like jumping on four-thousand trampolines at once-fun as hell. And he's the only foreigner I know who likes natto, so he must be some sort of super human. Friday morning I got up way early and took the bus to Nagoya. After dismounting said bus, I had no idea where I was going and this sweet little Japanese woman literally took me to my subway stop. (Did I mention how much I love Japanese people?) I walked around Osu Kannon for a few hours, had lunch at a motorcylce shop/cafe, and bought some new shoes because I am a hypocrite and I support Cambodian sweatshop labor. At any rate, Will got off work and we went to a pub where I was assaulted by a mosquito. On the way to dinner we stopped at a Beer Garden to watch an old man on synthesizer backed by two girls in polka dot dresses sing the oldies. It was offensive to the senses in every way possible, particularly aurally. We went to eat at a local joint owned by a hilarious woman simply known as Mama. She was closed for the evening, but took a bunch of us out for Chinese.
It's official, I have a class full of punks. I thought they didn't exist here and that my job as a teacher was going to be so easy I would forget it was a job. And then came my afternoon third years. These kids are your typical spitball shooting, talk over the teacher, punch the kid in front of you punks. The thing is that the most misbehaved kids in the class are the best at English. So it's a bit frustrating to say the least. I'm gonna all Stand and Deliver style those kids and inspire them to get out of the ghetto and go to college, no matter what it takes!
Cigarettes and I have had a thing going on for close to ten years now. We've had so many ups and downs, stops and starts and no matter how hard I try to end it, it keeps happening again. I've quit and gone back so many times now it's almost amusing. Here are the ones I remember clearest.
Ah, the weekend. What wonders it beholds, what magical twists, turns and cleverly placed bits of wonder......okay that's enough. Anywho, went to Matsumoto on Sunday to check out the castle. It was pretty sweet, but hot outside and the trip was long (bless you Adrianna for driving.) We took a tour of the castle, which had a six story donjon and a lot of weapons. Built in the 16th century, most of the structure is original. We also visited the Minzoku-kan (folklore museum) which was neat, but all in Japanese so I was a wee bit confused. Today is Respect for the Elderly day, so no work!! I guess I'll go help a little old Japanese lady with her scooter or something.
So Thursday started out horrible. I woke up feeling decent, but within fifteen minutes of arriving at work realized I lost the cord that connects my computer to the Power Point projector at home and the whole days lesson was screwed. Yeah, if slapping people was more acceptable here, I think Omae Sensei would have performed a little "Oops upside your head" on yours truly. But it all worked out in the end and the lesson went way better than usual. The older kids are way more into English, so they're pretty fun. I'm starting pen pals with some of them which should prove interesting. I had an enkai with the folks from work that evening and we had a blast.
I never knew what to expect in the teacher's room at school, but I'm starting to slowly figure it out. There's always tons of fresh tea (if you don't pass out getting to it through the cigarette smoke), lots of delicious omiyage from all over Japan, and a neverending supply of pink chalk. Not understanding a word anyone says certainly keys you into roles around the office, too. Here is a run down of some of the typical personalities I deal with on a daily basis.
Today was Sports Day at my school. Normally I'd be pretty pissed off about showing up to work on a Saturday, but it was a really fun day and the kids were so into it......and subsequently I get Monday off. For those of you who don't know, Sports Day is like the American field days of yore but with lots of J Pop and no ice cream sandwiches. Basically they divide the school into two teams, red and white. The teams compete and whoever has the most points at the end of the day wins. There's a lot of certificate/trophy giving too. Because I work at two junior highs, I got to attend both!
I went to yochien today and was, yet again, smothered by cuteness. I spent most of the morning painting a gigantic cartoon cat/bunny/mouse creature from Pokemon on a large poster. I never figured out what it was for, but they all said I did a good job. And who says an art degree won't get you anywhere? I got sent home early from my elementray school, more on that when I actually teach there.
Monday and Tuesday I taught at Koshino, my other junior high school. It went well, except for when I accidentally ate natto at lunch. For those of you who don't know, natto is fermented soy beans and it's the only food I've tried here that I find to be painfully bad. The kids are all in serious training for Sports Day this week. Practice for their cheers is crazy rigorous.
Saturday morning we attended the second annual pumpkin festival in Nyuzen. It was great. There were lots of pumpkin related songs, foods and even pumpkin dancers! We helped kids carve pumpkins, and according to Lee, were on the evening news. Gill and I bought some homeade sake from this lady who insisted that we only drink sukoshi, a little, at a time. Whatever you say lady. I got a t-shirt and a hat!
Today I taught at the nursery school near my house. If yesterday was madness, today was circus pandemonium madness. Within 2 minutes of being there there were kids circling me on unicycles, I'm not kidding. They were great and so excited I was there. We rocked some ABC's, did some dancing, played with plastic food, discussed the graying of the nation and it's effect on the economy. Okay, not really. The best was the girl in the blanket cape with the spatula wand. (Jayne, that one's for you.) I also went and got my oil changed today. Japanese people are too nice, the girl there actually apologized for not speaking English.
Today was the first day of school. I got up bright and early, ate some toast, donned my gayest apparel and headed out to Takase. When I got there, it was madness. Everyone was running around faxing, copying and just looking gernerally frantic while I sat there and tried to look engaged in my Team Teaching Handbook. I got that whole exciting "it's the first day of school and I have a new outfit and a box full of pencils" vibe like from way back. Later on I gave a speech about myself to the student body as they sat lined up in the gym. I taught a class about myself, too. I think it went well, no one fell asleep. (With no air conditioning I don't see how they could have.) Lunch was fun because people will never cease to be amazed that I can use chopsticks. The rest of the day I pretty much just graded papers and ate tootsie rolls. The third year kids had to keep summer diaries-they were so cute. Mostly they talked about sports and their clubs, but with the occaisional colorful vocabulary. If you could only award style points when grading papers. All in all a really good first day. The kids are starting to warm up a bit, which is great.