Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Nagoya, baby!

Trying to explain how much fun I had this weekend would be like trying to fit my rear into Japanese girl's pants.... difficult. But I'll try to hit the high points. I was in Nagoya visiting my new friend Will, who I know through Kyle. Let me sum up Will by saying that he's the genkiest man on this here island, and hanging out with him is like jumping on four-thousand trampolines at once-fun as hell. And he's the only foreigner I know who likes natto, so he must be some sort of super human. Friday morning I got up way early and took the bus to Nagoya. After dismounting said bus, I had no idea where I was going and this sweet little Japanese woman literally took me to my subway stop. (Did I mention how much I love Japanese people?) I walked around Osu Kannon for a few hours, had lunch at a motorcylce shop/cafe, and bought some new shoes because I am a hypocrite and I support Cambodian sweatshop labor. At any rate, Will got off work and we went to a pub where I was assaulted by a mosquito. On the way to dinner we stopped at a Beer Garden to watch an old man on synthesizer backed by two girls in polka dot dresses sing the oldies. It was offensive to the senses in every way possible, particularly aurally. We went to eat at a local joint owned by a hilarious woman simply known as Mama. She was closed for the evening, but took a bunch of us out for Chinese.
Saturday was spent shopping and castling. Nagoya Castle was sweet. The kinshachi are there, these famous golden dolphins Went back to Mama's for dinner and ate with a bunch of businessmen and some disgruntled Germans. After we went to this crazy small rock bar and watched Stop Making Sense which I had never see (feel free to gasp.) We met up with some of Will's friends who happen to be JETs from Fukui. On Sunday, we ate at Denny's for breakfast. (Yeah they have them here and they don't serve any Grand Slams-total B.S. right?) Went to a Pop exhibit at the art museum which was pretty cool. I thought the Hockney's were the best. Took the bus home with barfy high schoolers in front of me. Got a lot of music, had a lot of fun, by far one of the best weekends I've had here. I feel great-totally. I'm having trouble loading pictures here, so I'll try to post more later.

Art museum.

Oasis 21.

Outside the huge shrine near Will's.

Yeah, you read it right.

This is what yochiens see right before they are eaten.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that's the Capcom font.

2:45 AM  
Blogger Geoff said...

What< they have Dennys? I want Dennys......

9:24 AM  

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