Monday, April 10, 2006

Well it's a new school year, and I've got a new schedule. It's all Junior High School from here on out. I'm teaching a bunch of English conversation classes with my friend Yamada San who's super sweet. This is her first time teaching Junior High, but she was a flight attendant for six years, so she's used to dealing with loads of crap. We had a big enkai the other night to welcome the new teachers, and they all had to perform something. I saw:

* one of my teachers strip down to his underwear and swim on the floor.

* another teacher dress up like a gypsy and give out chocolates.

* two teachers wear school uniforms and perform terrible karaoke.

Enkais are pretty great.

Had a productive, arty weekend with some new ideas. I hope they turn out, got a lot of work ahead of me. Much thanks to Rob for the use of his apartment.

If you took Inuyama Matsuri and shrunk it by about 96% you would have the Unazuki Matsuri. Went on Sunday to see Yutsuke perform, and it was very friendly-given loads of beer/food and asked many colorful questions.

Inspecting a worm.


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