Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bowling and Ninjas

After an all day orientation in Toyama City on Friday, I attended a bowling game with all the Kurobe teachers. It lasted thirty minutes and everyone bowled right after one another picking up each others spares and stuff. The shoes were shiny and awesome. Later that evening we had another enkai, big banquet with massive amounts of food, and I won at bingo! I got a scary little thingy that hangs off of my cellphone. After the enkai I went to Uozu and partied with that crew at a sweet bar called 135's.
The next night I went to a Brazilian club in Takaoka and represented the ATL as I danced to Outkast. Yes I danced in public, they must put something in the water here.
The next day, a large and really cool group of folks went to Kanazawa. We went to the ninja-dera, a 300 year old temple which was at one point used as a look out point for enemies trying to attack the castle. There were tons of secret trap doors and staircases, sort of like Clue. Afterwards we went to the art museum and checked out a massive art exhibit by Matthew Barney called Drawing Restraint. I also got to put on a sack and slide on this large interative art thing too. What a day!

Here's the slide thing we rocked. It was treacherous, but fun!

This was in one of the courtyards at the museum. It's a pool thing and you can see it from above and then below.

Outside the Kanazawa station.

The ninja-dera. We weren't attacked by ninjas, but I think that's because we were so hungover it wouldn't have been any fun for them.


Blogger Jared Ragland said...

please show us lots of pictures from the mathew barney show. im sure charles will concur with this request.

10:45 PM  

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