My Weekend
I had to work on Saturday for parents day, that night headed to Toyama for Amy's bike ride fundraiser dinner. I ended up with a belly full of organic food/two delicious beers and a painting of a house.
Sunday was the Namerikawa Firefly Squid festival. There was squid, a mini flea market and squid eyeball spitting. Yeah, seriously. It's like watermelon seed spitting, but tinier and kinda cruel. I sucked so bad my eyeball actually ended up behind me. *shrug* The winners received grills, beers, and a kilo of.....squid!
Also, if anyone ever comes up to you with a video camera, a whiteboard and a marker and wants you to write something in Japanese and answer questions about yourself, you will get a free pencil. Incidentally, look for me on the NHK channel Tuesday nights at 11:00. Wasn't given a date, so keep those eyes peeled-or I will spit them onto astroturf.
Did some taiko drumming Sunday night for the first time and they want Amy and me to perform with them. Let you know how that turns out.
Foot bath!
Squid eating.
Projectile squid eyes.
Been painting some, it's going okay. Working my tail off at school, getting ready for a fun Golden Week with my sweetie who's comin up here to shake it with me. Yay!!!!!
What time were you at the festival? I showed up early and painted faces until around noon. "Unfortunately" I missed the eyeball spitting contest, which I'm sure would have made me vom. ;)
I think I showed up around 2 or so-hungover and slightly confused. I hope you painted lots of squid eyes on kid faces.
japan is curious
you looked excieted about that squid. im missin you tons girl.
that last one was me. alex likes your picutre he says this :gff
yesh. he wants to do it again: .mntnr gjjm
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