Thursday, December 29, 2005

I have to stay in America an extra week now. Seriously. Details later. I'm too hungry/thirsty to explain, and my sister's distracting me. And BTW: Is it strange that she's doing disco karaoke all by herself in the kitchen?

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I've been busy. The week before I came back was pretty nutty. Half of my overlords didn't know I was returning to America, I had snow tire trauma, crap lessons to teach, lots of stuff to do etc. But the Friday night Christmas party in Kurobe was rockin' complete with original interpretations of holiday classics byt the Bad Santas and a gift exchange-I got some deodorant. The weekend in Nagoya was fun. Caught a crazy show on Saturday night, Acid Mothers Temple, Ruins and Afrirampo. Went with Will and Rob-got down. Did a bunch of Christmas shopping in Nagoya, had fun.
The flight home wasn't too bad, but only because of the excellent company and the flow of Bloody Marys. Got into Atlanta feelin tired, but met my family and it was great to see them. The first night home was Jessica's birthday and we went for Japanese. Now I'm just seein' all the old folks, drivin' the Volvo, eatin' bagels, braving ice storms and bowing at people. Good times.

Crowd surfin'.

Rob and Kate.


Back home-in Starbucks.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'll be home tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bon weekend-not so bon Monday

I had a good weekend. I went to an onsen (nekkid public bath), rented a snowboard, went bowling twice at two different bowling alleys, and played that version of Uno that spits cards at you. I also bought a bus ticket down to Nagoya for this weekend because I'm coming home next week!
Today it snowed some. And it was cold-like cold enough to see my breath in my apartment. Cold enough to freeze my toothpaste in the tube. Cold enough to make me wonder exactly how much colder it's gonna friggin' get. I also had the unfortunate experience of the worst lesson I've had yet in Japan. Although it wasn't my fault, I hate when that happens. I don't know if the kids even noticed because they're geared up for their school elections this Friday. But I certainly did.
Monday, you and I are gonna have it out old school.

In Toyama with my ole pal Rachel. And no we didn't buy these hats.

It all starts here.

I went to take a pee during sixth period and was assaulted by kids running for class officers.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

It's here!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I walked into the gymnasium at my yochien today to a bunch of chairs set up around a large wooden barrel with two huge mallets beside it. Normally I would have assumed something morbidly weird was going on, but this is Japan. Seeing my confusion, the principal explained that it was homemade mochi day. Mochi is a really sticky version of rice that is eaten everywhere over here. You can roll it in sesame seeds or red beans, grill it, or eat it on a stick. It is in fact awesome.
Later on, we proceeded to put lots of rice in the barrel and take to it with the mallets for two hours. Afterwards a bunch of the Moms organized the large sticky masses into little balls and coupled it with other confectionery delights.
For lunch we had a "mochi party" with tons of mochi and udon noodles-or the "how much weight can I gain in one afternoon" special. It was really fun, and go Japan for letting small children furiously wield giant weapons.

It's like a very delicious version of whack-a-mole.

Here's how you prepare it with red beans.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Look Out

I'm coming home on December 13th. For those of you with excellent counting skills, or a calendar, that's less than two weeks away! Here is a list of things I want to do.

* Eat Mexican food.
* See movies. At a movie theatre. For $1 or less. And Harry Potter, Jayne.
* See live music. Anything would be fine at this point. Like an elementary school talent show or a praise band even.
* Visit the new aquarium. I hear it's big.
* Have a party? I think one might be possible at my house, but Robert isn't allowed to ride my sister's bicycle. Do tell him to bring that awesome belt buckle-the one that says "Here I am, rock you like a hurricane."
* Eat bagels. (I know what some of you are thinking, shut up.)

I'll have my old cell phone. Lookin' forward to it!