Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This past weekend, as the weekends prior, flew by. Some highlights:

Friday- Drinking party

Saturday- Work all day, drinks with Irish ambassador, 4:00 a.m. squid snacks

Sunday- Matsuri and party at friend's house with pot pie

And now for some whining! I rarely bitch about work on this blog, but I'm lettin 'er loose. It has recently come to my attention that I am slowly starting to dislike my job. As many of you know, I have been put into the "tape recorder" position dreaded by so many English teachers. I am literally repeating vocabulary words and dialogue ad nauseam to the point where even I'm bored in class. It's like that movie Groundhog Day except I don't get to impress everyone by knowing all the answers on Jeopardy.

I have created a graph which shows the proportionate job dissatisfaction to my consumption.

And it's not that my ideas of what we could be doing in class are better than the teacher's, it's just hard for me to stay excited about book work. But I know people who have done this job far longer than I have and still keep on truckin'.

Enough complainins, I'm going to The Pogues in a few hours. Report on that soon. Oooo, maybe I'll make a graph about Shane MacGowan's progressive drunkeness throughout the show!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm not supposed to read the comments, but can I make some comments? You know with me it's genetic, I just can't help myself.

Come on home!! We miss you so much. Maybe it's time for a switch in scenery, some good old hamburgers, hotdogs, Thanksgiving turkey with sweet potato casserole and a nice soft bed!!

Have I convinced you yet? Hows 'bout some SPCo steaks, a little drive in the country with the top down, (the car's not yours)or a nice snuggle with my puppy?

Come home, come home, come home to stay!!!!!! Please????

I know I should put this in a private email to you but every time I send you one it comes back saying it wasn't sent. This new-fangled technology is just way over my head.

4:01 AM  
Blogger K8 said...

Aunt P: I miss you guys too!!! And trust me, I would kill for a puppy snuggle, a bed, and a big steak. Compared to this job, a little hard manual labor at the old SPCo seems like a walk in the park. I'll be home before long and we can drive in the country eating turkey all the way. Lots of love from Japan!!

Amber: Come anytime! Just send a mail! I wanna hear all about your school. Don't study those obscure health terms too hard.

8:33 AM  

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