Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Festival Time

Hi readers. Today is test day at school, and I am sitting around for about 8 hours with nothing to do. Thusly, I will fill you in on what's been doin'.

Last Friday night was a huge drinking party at work. You might recall my recent pledge to lay off the hooch, but it was for the greater good of building a strong foundation between my peers. (It was a retarded idea which led to lid-flipping, and I totally barfed. )

The rest of the weekend was filled with Nagoya Matsuri. This festival was big and great. I ate festival food, saw weird stuff and ate more food. More pictures to come, here are a choice few to wet your whistle.

The remainder of my day will be filled with wandering around the school library (they have the entire Beatrix Potter Tales-I sure missed that dumbass Jemima Puddleduck) and making flash cards. The proficiency test is only a few months away and to save myself some embarrassment, I need to get on the study ball.


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