Saturday, July 30, 2005


Okay so I'm here in Kurobe and it's been going really swell. When I got off the airplane, there were a million people screaming and holding signs for all of us Toyama JETs. My supervisors came to meet me, as well as Lee, the other ALT. After lunch, I immediately started meeting people and introducing myself around. Since then I have visited 13 schools where I will be teaching at various times throughout the year, set up my ketai (cell phone), set up my phone line, set up a bank account (my ATM card has cartoon hippos on it), gone grocery shopping (who knew Cocoa Krispies could cost so much?), drank lots of tea, had my first enkai (Japanese welcome banquet, I had to make a speech), sang drunk karaoke, all while going to sleep (when I have time) on my glorious futon in my wonderful apartment. Seriously, I love it. Let me say here that if it weren't for Lee, I would still be at the airport trying to use a phone and weeping in a corner. He has been a lifesaver. Goal for the day/week/month: Learn Japanese!!
Pictures coming soon when my Internet is hooked up. Tonight is the Beer Garden, all we can eat and drink for two hours. I'm getting my moneys worth.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Busy in Kurobe

Holy crap, I am so busy now it's ridiculous. I've been in Kurobe two days, and it's been crazy. More soon about all the stuff and some sweet pictures as well.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Ahoy from Tokyo. All is going well. I leave for Toyama by plane tomorrow. The weather here is really bad due to a recent typhoon. Tokyo is neat, although I haven't seen too much of it because of this huge orientation. I did some karaeoke (sp?) with some kids from Fukui prefecture last night. We rocked it. The hotel is incredible, they even have noise making machines on the toilet so nobody can hear your bodily functions. Also, the mirror in the bathroom is heated so when you take a shower, you can still see yourself. Brilliant! Here are a few photos for you to enjoy, thanks to my sweet new computer.
P.S.: Japanese television is insane.

There are lots of people in Tokyo!

Tokyo with my roomate.

An Italian vegetarian? What words will those Japanese think up next?!

This guy was way more into the karaeoke than anyone else.

Friday, July 22, 2005


I'm leaving today for the orientation near the airport. More posts soon when I get to Japan! I'll miss you all-don't forget to e-mail.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Party

Thanks to everyone who came to my party, I think we all had a great time. Thanks again to Jayne and Jennifer for hosting. Below are some special moments captured on two of the three cameras we bought, because some no good ass clown stole the third one.

No Rob, the Twister mat is over that way. Posted by Picasa

I'd like to think they're saying "We'll miss you Kate!!" but I'm going to go with "Whaah happen?" Posted by Picasa

No comment. Posted by Picasa

Keith rocks some grande Big Lots panties. Posted by Picasa

Leave it up to Chris to invent Dog Twister.  Posted by Picasa

Jennifer beating a pinata that looks an awful lot like a baby.  Posted by Picasa

After the pinata, Jennifer scored a sweet Nascar bib, only to be worn while sipping Bud Light in the cab of one's Ford pickup. Posted by Picasa

The evening ended with some serious Jello wrestling. I think the whole thing is still in the process of being explained to the neighbors.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 15, 2005

Pimped Out Ride

This is my soon to be car, isn't it sweet? I'm still trying to figure out how they fit four doors on it.
(photo courtesy of Jackie)

Check out my new car!  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Beach+Gin = Good Times

I'm at the beach! Sidenote: we have a handle of Tanqueray.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


I am now the proud parent of an iPod. He weighs 5.9 ounces; I think I will name him Count Samson.

Monday, July 04, 2005

It's Time to Party

Jayne and Jennifer have been gracious enough to host my going away party at their house. It'll be on Saturday, July 16th; doors open in the evening, let's say 9 or 10pm. For those of you coming from out of town, it's not far from my house and for those of you in town, it's directly next to where Lauren's parents used to live that summer when we all partied there a lot and watched Pete & Pete. Call me if you need directions, BYOB, and inspire your inner partiness by observing Christopher Nylund's Around the World Beer Festival 2004 pictured below.

We're all going to party like this. Now that's what I call excitement.  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Nothing new to report, but check out my new suitcase! I'm taking it for a spin later.