Saturday, July 30, 2005


Okay so I'm here in Kurobe and it's been going really swell. When I got off the airplane, there were a million people screaming and holding signs for all of us Toyama JETs. My supervisors came to meet me, as well as Lee, the other ALT. After lunch, I immediately started meeting people and introducing myself around. Since then I have visited 13 schools where I will be teaching at various times throughout the year, set up my ketai (cell phone), set up my phone line, set up a bank account (my ATM card has cartoon hippos on it), gone grocery shopping (who knew Cocoa Krispies could cost so much?), drank lots of tea, had my first enkai (Japanese welcome banquet, I had to make a speech), sang drunk karaoke, all while going to sleep (when I have time) on my glorious futon in my wonderful apartment. Seriously, I love it. Let me say here that if it weren't for Lee, I would still be at the airport trying to use a phone and weeping in a corner. He has been a lifesaver. Goal for the day/week/month: Learn Japanese!!
Pictures coming soon when my Internet is hooked up. Tonight is the Beer Garden, all we can eat and drink for two hours. I'm getting my moneys worth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

im so proud of you. i would just pee my pants. really. i would.

1:54 AM  

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