I've been slacking on the blogness. Don't judge me.
Last week was Golden Week and I spent it with Sir Will of Cultus. We went onsening, arting (Rob and Owen's show), barbequing (complete with random Japanese naked beach volleyball), after wedding partying (buncha crazy Canadians in animal costumes), and did lotsa driving on Route 41 in Will's new ride.
Nothing new to report except that work is as busy as ever, and I've been painting a bit. I'm finding it hard to believe that I graduated almost a year ago and even harder to believe that the weather is warming up. In no time I will be sweating my face off like the first two months I was here.
Questions I've been asking myself recently:
1) How is my house plant still alive? I'm serious, this thing is some sort of superplant. I won't water it for weeks, and it keeps on tickin'.
2) Why is it kinda cold? In May?
3) How the hell did an entire Bruce Springsteen album end up on my iPod? And better yet, why does my song shuffle feel the need to play a song off of it everytime I turn it on?
4) What ever happened to Swatch?
Here's some pictures of Kurobe when it isn't a snow covered hell! Kinda pretty, eh?