Thursday, January 19, 2006

My camera phone, 1st installment

Ever since I first heard of camera phones I considered them completely useless. Absolutely. Until I got one. Now I'm sayin-they're awesome. Not only is a camera phone small and handy, but it's perfect for all those hilarious little things Japan has to offer. I picked some of my favorites from the last few months. Dozo.

Saw this in Tower Records.

Puttin' the "ass" in glasses.

That is one pissed off crazy owl.

Racism anyone? It's only 200 yen.

On a bag of chocolate chips.

A lunch box at the 100 yen store.

Cute moments can also be captured.

Saw this guy and three of his friends walking down the streets of Nagoya screaming and making a bunch of crazy noise with a rollable PA.


Obviously! This guy was way proud of his shirt. (And had no idea what it said I'm fairly certain.)



Blogger Chris said...

The Tequila and Lunchbox kill me!! Oh Japan -- don't ever change.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...get me that Slamma shiz. Fo' serious.

12:52 AM  

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