Monday, March 06, 2006

Girls, Girls, Girls

This week at yochien we celebrated Hina-matsuri (Doll Festival). It's also known as Girls Day and people pray for the good fortune of their daughters. About three weeks ago they put this up in the foyer of the school.

It's a bunch of dolls who ward off evil spirits, including the emperor and his wife on top, some mochi and other assorted people of the court. You have to put it up right after the festival's over for fear that your daughter will someday become a spinster, like the one's in your neighborhood who always give you apples instead of Halloween candy and only eat peanut brittle. They had all the girls do a dance to the official Hina-matsuri song, had everyone dress up like the emperor and empress and then we drank piping hot Calpis. (Yeah it sounds like I said "Piping Hot Cow Piss"-good one.) It was cute, as usual. I'm going to miss this yochien when I leave.


What, I ain't no girl!

Nice hats...............



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